Hear that Honey?
Stop reading now.
I'm giving you plenty of chances to move on.
Just skip this post and go about your merry day.
Are you gone?
Don't ruin it for the boy.
Really I am just making sure there is enough room above the fold so you don't see pictures.
I love using the term above the fold. Makes me feel smart. I used to use terms like that all the time.
Now I say things like "Daddy be home soon" and "Elmo is taking a night night".
Sometimes change is ok.
*Ahem*... back to my post. I think we've taken up enough room.
Tuesday Chase and I broke out the paints and worked on a picture frame for Daddy.

I was so proud of myself... this is totally out of my comfort zone. All the set up... all the mess... all the clean up. I tend to just skip doing things if they aren't easy but I know as a SAHM, I need to work on this. Sometimes the most fun can happen over a big ole mess.

I think Chase had a lot of fun. I also think he will have more fun if we do it more often. He kind of gave me a sideways look as if to say 'what the heck do I do with this thing?'

But he caught on quick and really enjoyed himself.
I will post pictures of the finished product when Daddy opens it on Christmas morning!
Chase is remarkably clean. Ben would be covered in paint....
Artist Chase! :)
I am smiling... 'sometimes change is okay...' I feel the same way!
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