When the weathermen started calling for inches of snow, I just smiled and thought to myself 'yeah right'. Then they kept at it... calling for more and more. Still... I doubted them (who doesn't). Then parties started being canceled... hmmm.... maybe?
Just in case I stopped at Walmart on the way home... we needed groceries anyway... especially if we were snowed in for a day or 2. And believe me, I only chose Walmart because I was running errands in that shopping center and didn't feel like going out of my way to hit an actual grocery store. Walmart the night before a huge snowstorm and 7 days before Christmas... not my idea of a good time. I went in with an attitude of 'whatever' and I think that served me well. I even let 2 people go in front of me in the checkout line.
So now we have groceries... snow boots for Chase (thanks to an early Christmas present from Bamma!)... and salt for the driveway. Bring on the snow.
Oh, it's been broughten.

This was around 11 am this morning and it was still snowing and snowing hard.
Chase hiding from the snow.

To say that he wasn't a fan is the understatement of the year. I think he would have enjoyed playing in the snow but the wind whipping and the snow pelting him in the face kinda of ruined it

Adam working hard to keep the driveway clear.

Chase had a lot more fun on the porch where he was protected from the wind. I think when the snow stops coming down we will have a lot more fun.
We did venture out... because we are insane. We packed up some wares and headed to the in-laws house.
It was fun to sit around and eat pizza together... it would have been more fun if Chase had napped. For 2 hours we took turns trying to get him to go down but nothing worked. He was just wound up and could not settle in.
That put a real damper on my day... when he doesn't nap, I don't rest.
We ended up going out for a ride in the Jeep... just to see the world covered in snow. It was fun but we ended it early due to the toddler. No amount of explaining that I couldn't give him his milk because it was back at the house worked. Apparently he thinks I am Houdini.
Here is a shot of my in-laws backyard.

This is around 4 or so... and it was still coming down.
Pretty unreal. Guess the weathermen were right... well, even a stopped watch is right twice a day... they were due.
We're back home now. Chase is soundly sleeping (shocker) and Adam and I are enjoying the fireplace and the sound of keys clacking.
Today was fun... an adventure of sorts.... but tomorrow.... we're staying home!
Minhae loved making snow balls today. Can't believe it is still coming down!
Eeee! What a whole lotta snow! Glad you stocked up. We had the same thing happen to us about a week and a half ago, except that everyone else got 12 inches while those of us who live right near Lake Michigan got 1 inch of rain! We lucked out...but probably not so much next time. Have time with your Sunday snowday!
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