I digress. We ended up at Smithsburg Pride Days where they had corn dogs AND funnel cake! Score!

I think he likes them!

True Grandma love... sharing her funnel cake with Chase ;~)
As Chase and I were walking through the parking lot at the Y (for swim class) I hear "Is that the one with the hair mom?"
Then I hear "Yep, he's the one!"
At this point I am smiling ear to ear and I turn around to greet Chase's fan club. It was a (grand)mom from our swim class and she gushed about loving Chase's hair. She said she hoped her grandsons came in like that whenever it decides to start growing ;~)
Fast forward to Tuesday morning when Chase and I are touring the kennel (where Riley will stay while we are in SF). After we have gone over paperwork, after the complete tour through the facility, after I have spent at least 20 minutes with this extremely pleasant woman... she asks "Is it ok if she has a piece of taffy?"
"No, she can't have taffy. Thanks"

Are you thinking those pants are a little... ummm.... feminine? You'd be right. Those are Jenna's 18 month capri's... *sigh*... at least they are gray. Although I think my friends are going to start carrying only ridiculously girly outfits... just to see what I will do if my only choice are hot pants with flowers or booty shorts with pink trim. Anyway, genius mother that I am, forgot to pack a pair of shorts for after swim class (he wore his trunks there) so Dannette loaned us these. Mandy says I should do a post solely on all of his crossdressing.
I think I will start the therapy fund now.
Thanks for the idea of packing more girly stuff in the bag, next time her might be wearing a skirt. :)
So sweet... ahhhhh~
I want some of Grandma's funnel cake, too!!!!
ROFL! That is just too cute!
that was so sweet...i love it when they copy what you're saying.
awww!! awesome!
Such a sweet video. But c'mon...that's a guy shirt!!
You're a mom after my own heart. I KNOW that I will be doing some SERIOUS forgetting in the weeks and months to come now that I am responsible for Ben on a daily basis!
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