Having grandma nearby is such a blessing...

it allows me to do such things as get a haircut! Granted I only get a haircut once every 8 months but still... when it happens, I have a willing babysitter!
For some reason I always forget what it's like to have thick long hair. I cut it short and start to think 'I should grow it out... long hair is so beautiful'. So I let it grow... and grow... and grow... and grow. Until I have a massive head of thick, long, unwieldy hair. At this point I am wondering why I get headaches for no reason... I also start to wonder why my scalp hurts when I pull the ponytail out (you know, the bending roots in the opposite direction pain... does anyone know what I am talking about here... work of the devil my friend, work of the freaking devil).
Then like a light bulb it dawns on me... the hair, it's all because of the hair.
So I make another appointment.
And the cycle continues.
I digress. When I got back to grandmas, this is what I stumbled across...

So precious! Grandma had cut back a few branches from this bush to make Chase his own fort.

He absolutely loved it in there... he had his cars and trucks... his bucket and cup... and most importantly his spoon for digging. Grandma sure does know how to entertain!
After nap we had a peach break... well Chase consistently called it an orange but we are working on that.

Whatever it was, he liked it... a lot. I gave up on the bib and just took the shirt off. It's easier... in fact I have been known to do that in Chick-fil-A. We are classy.
Just before bath and bed time we decided to go on a daddy hunt. He was mowing the lawn so we had to do some searching to find him...

Luckily Chase is just tall enough... we found him!
I found your thoughts about your hair interesting. Don't know why but I enjoyed reading that part very much somehow!
Glad Chase feels better. Um... 'censored'? you are nuts. lol
Minhae calls orange orange juice. Everything is orange juice!
My child calls every piece of fruit in existence "blue" as in blueberries. Except for apples, which she calls...well...apple (sounds more like abble).
I am growing my hair long!!! I always hack it off, think I want it long again, grow it out, then hack it off! Ha, why not?
Why do these babies love being naked so much? lolol Claire looooves being naked. I guess it's natural though, right?
Glad he's on the mend!
Glad he's feeling better and you were able to get your hair cut. I totally know that hair band sensation. YUCK!
I am completely with you on the hair thing. Even with it shorter I still sometimes get a headache from wearing it up or wearing a headband. Of course I don't realize that until later! Can't wait to see it. It looks cute from the back, anyway.
The fort is awesome - way to go grandma! She knows boys! And I am so glad Chase is doing so much better. Naked boy! Ha!
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