Do you ever have that frustration of looking in the pantry and seeing tons of stuff but nothing to make? Or the aggravation of trying to find room for your groceries because there is too much crap in the way?
I don't know about you but it was driving me bonkers! So we emptied the cabinets, the pantry, the fridge and the freezer (one at a time of course) and went through each item one by one.
We checked the expiration date and then if it was still good, we weighed the likelihood that we would ever use it in a meal. If it passed the meal test then we found its rightful and correct home... as opposed to the haphazard 'put it where it fits' that we did when we moved in.
Can I share some embarrassment with you...

I am sorry. 2007? Adding insult to injury it is an entire MONTH before Chase was even born! WTF folks? And the true icing on the cake... this cup of Mac and Cheese has been with us for 3 homes.

Hanging my head in shame.
To top this one off... I can't even remember the last time I even used Shake and Bake. My only recollection is standing in the Pasadena kitchen, bag of pork chops and shake and bake in hand, and my mom telling me to 'make sure the entire pork chop is covered'...
I realize this box can't be from that time (roughly 16 years ago) but seriously... that is the last time I even remember thinking about using Shake and Bake... and yet I have had this box since before 2006 and loved it enough to carry it around through 3 homes.

A collection of all the expired food that was in our house... well, just the prepared food mind you... we hadn't even gone through the fridge and freezer at this point ;~)
I guess sometimes spring cleaning looks a little unusual.
No kidding! you know what though... it looks very much like my pantry. Ah.... I probably need to do clean up my pantry on my first day at home!
Ha! I have totally been there! We brought many things across the country with us, through multiple homes, and I thought, why didn't I just throw this away? At the last place I threw out a bunch of toiletry items. I wondered when I had even needed a lot of it! Props on the cleaning out and organizing!
That is to funny- a few weeks ago I was about to make dinner, chicken potato stuffing thing and I got the stove top out and the expiration date was 2005. I guess that had moved with us a few times :)
I had salad dressing from 2003. Yep, I like to collect antiques.
We did this the other night! I had to throw out stupid things like an unopened box of croutons and peanut butter (did you know PB goes bad?!?) At least you know the 'wall of shame' has two pictures on it...
So funny. Babe, we all do this... What's bad is when guests point out that your food expired SEVERAL years ago. Ooops.
Oh some of that stuff you can still use...the baking powder and raisins should still be okay! But chances are, if you didn't get around to using it before the expiration date, there's no hope of using it in the future...unless it got lost. Sometimes things get lost in our place.
LOVE the honesty of this post!
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