okay after being nervous for you as i clicked on your site, now i think this is the best possible idea ever!! i'm off to buy some stickers to arm myself with over the weekend. :-)
stickers are the best!! It is fun to play with and cheap. Look, his is having "conversations" with his grandma! Is that "mama, stop" when he reached out to the video camera?
That's the cutest thing- great fun with stickers :)
here i was about to feel sorry for your little man...you should be ashamed of yourself! ;) very cute!
I do this w/Claire, too (three cheers for the $1 bins at Target for stickers). She is obsessed w/putting them on her belly button. Love it!
I love his conversation w/Grandma...so cute!!
okay after being nervous for you as i clicked on your site, now i think this is the best possible idea ever!! i'm off to buy some stickers to arm myself with over the weekend. :-)
stickers are the best!! It is fun to play with and cheap. Look, his is having "conversations" with his grandma! Is that "mama, stop" when he reached out to the video camera?
Stickers are so fun! That looks like a great time. Bet he could have done that all day.
LOL, so cute!!
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