That didn't dampen (ha ha... get it... I crack me up) our spirits. The 9 of us figured out how to have fun indoors. Which basically means the 6 of us laughed hysterically while the 3 of them running around like wild children.

Aprons Gone Wild!

Does that face show the enthusiasm?

Love these babies!
After a very splashy bath we put the kids in pj's... and yes, I borrowed Jenna's pj's... and yes, I realize this is getting a little out of hand. At least they are blue... well a shade of blue... whatever. Quit judging me.

In Jenna's big girl bed!

Horsing around in bed with Jenna and Sadie (who Chase calls "Cee-Cee"). 'Enjoy it now Chase... this will end soon. Very soon.'
Saying goodnight to his friends...

We stayed up way too late and had way too much fun! My theory... the only way to break rules is if they are followed the majority of the time!
Glad you could make it on such short notice. I was bummed when it started raining but they ended up having a great time indoors. Looking forward to more get togehters in the future.
PS- Chase looks very handsome in those PJ's :)
That PJ looks great on him! Well, I haven't really seen any picture of him that is not cute.
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