makes me so happy. It seems Chase is adjusting to sleeping in his pack and play!
Saturday morning we headed off to the Farmers Market for some delicious breakfast, grocery shopping and people watching.

Waiting for the cha-choo.

Riding in style.
Of course we couldn't pass the opportunity for Philz Coffee. Seriously, if you like coffee and you are anywhere near SF, stop in. It's heavenly.

Chase trying to decide what he wants.
Back on the cha-choo...

My Dad and Stacie

While we were buying raspberries and strawberries, the seller gave Chase a strawberry for the road.

Eating raspberries with the Bay Bridge in the background

The G family at the Farmers Market.

Putting the goods in our 'shopping basket'

Walking along the water

Waiting for the cha-choo again... lonely little boy!

Playing with Aunt Stacie...

and Grandpa Paul! Actually, right behind Grandpa are the Google offices where he works!
Our plan after the market was to come home, drop everything off and go out to the SF Zoo... Chase had other plans. He managed to make it all the way home without falling asleep so we thought to try a nap... and it worked! He slept about 1.5 hours in his pack and play! That was the first semblance of a normal nap since Tuesday!
Since the zoo closed at 5, we decided to put it off until Monday and just take it easy in the afternoon.
'Taking it easy' meant going to a playground... which normally is very little effort but in San Francisco... it's a workout of epic proportions.
We finally made it and boy was it worth it. Not only did Chase have a ball but the view was spectacular!

Oh my how I love this face!

As I do every single time in SF, I tried to capture the awe and wonder of the hills and valleys. It never comes through on film. The view behind us was absolutely breathtaking... you'll just have to take my word for it ;~)

Me and my boy!

Lonely highway boy. I actually thought to take this picture because of Matt Logelin. If you haven't checked out his blog, you should. He has a compelling story, a gift at writing and the most adorable little girl.

Dad lives in Dogpatch and these appear randomly on the sidewalk corners.

Chase absolutely grooving on some guacamole. I can't get this kid to eat an avocado but full on guac... he's all over it. I know what I will be making more frequently! Not to mention the fact that Adam and I love it ;~)

Oh and the kid that won't eat hamburgers... ate about a 1/3 of mine. His appetite is back and it brought reinforcements!

Shirtless wonder on the balcony. He loves pointing out all the trucks, boats, buses and tractors.

Chase eating his 'straw-b-days'.
Lately Chase has been insisting 'Chase do dat'... no matter what it is... if he knows how, he wants to do it. In this instance it was picking the strawberries up and eating them himself. However, since we are at my dad's apartment and I didn't want strawberry juice and prints on everything he owns, I had to insist 'Mamah do dat'. It worked (after a little back and forth ;) He let me feed him the strawberries... we split this bowl; 75% him and 25% me.
I figure I am just lucky to get the 25%!
Thanks to everyone for the well wishes for Chase. He is doing much better... like he was never sick. We are still having a great time... stay tuned for more adventures!
1 comment:
Love Chase's alone pictures. Happy traveling!
Wish I could have a cup of coffe at Phiz. :)
Oh, I am so used to "Chase do that" too. Growing independence!
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