As per usual, Chase passed out on the way up.

Aunt Stacie lending a hand!
Once we got to Sonoma it was evident Chase wasn't feeling well. He was very lethargic and definitely feverish. I gave him some tylenol and we just hoped that he would respond to it.

Can you see the effort it took to eat this pizza bone? Poor hot little boy.
After lunch (and about 45 minutes after the tylenol) Chase seemed to perk up. We walked around the square...

checking out the ducks and...

playing with daddy on the playground. He was definitely feeling better.
At Aunt Winnie's house Chase started to get fairly irritable again... which meant time for another nap. Again, within 10 minutes of putting him in the sling, he was out.

I have to say I haven't used my sling in a very long time... and even when I was using it, it wasn't on a regular basis. Since a lot of my friends either have baby #2 or are getting ready to have baby #2, I have been thinking about using it more in the future. I can't imagine a better solution for wrangling a toddler while caring for a newborn. All this to say that it's been on my mind... so when I came across it in storage, I pulled it to the side... thinking 'maybe I can use this in SF'. That may have been the single best item that I packed for the trip. It is never far from me and it has been a perfect nap maker.
Once my grumpy irritable toddler shows up I know it's time for more sleep. He doesn't always go in willingly but in the end he calms down, rests his head and closes his eyes. Something about being so close to me gives him the ability to stop fighting sleep and just accept it. Not that he hasn't fallen asleep other places (like the stroller in Old Navy) but in the sling sleep is easier and lasts longer.
What has struck me more than anything is the profound sense of motherhood I feel when he is in the sling and falls asleep. All the sudden I am not just the caregiver... I am mom. I am his comfort. I can't explain this feeling, I can only say it's amazing.
After lunch we sat around and chatted but...

something isn't right... let's get a closer look...

Chase just chilling out... not playing with toys... not pulling the magazines out... not requiring all the attention?
Yep, the fever was back with a vengeance.
While Winnie and I went to the grocery store for more tylenol and dinner, Chase chilled out with Grandpa on the couch.

Thankfully the tylenol did the trick again and kicked the fever. As long as he responds to medicine, I am not too terribly worried. It's when the fever doesn't react to the tyelnol... that is cause for concern.
We enjoyed appetizers and dinner under the pergola. I can honestly say this is the first time I have ever spent time under a pergola... I love this house.

Lucky for me Winnie's granddaughter is coming to visit which means she just happened to have a high chair!
Chase found one of the best toys out there...

'Lights on'... 'Lights off'... 'Lights on'... you get the idea right?
There is something so cute about that stretching... again, let's get a closer look...

Oh those beautiful baby feet. Oh how I love those little marshmallow puffs!

I love visiting with my Aunt Winnie. She knew my mom very well and loved her very much. Being around her is like being home.
Another late night for Chase...

This kid really is a trooper.
More to come!
having your baby fall asleep on you is the best feeling in the whole world. i have gone against all the "rules" and let Ru fall asleep on me every night since she was born and often let her lie for a half hour or more before i put her in her crib...i just can't help it! glad your little man is feeling better, enjoy your vacay!
Looks like you guys are having a great time!
Bringing the sling was an awesome idea. I haven't used mine in forever either, but, now I'm thinking I should pull it back out.
I hope Chase starts feeling better soon.
I'm loving all your pictures! Keep 'em coming :)
*loving* your Cali posts!!! Keep habit a blast and we hope chase feels better!
Habit=having. Smartphone=stupid typos
Glad y'all are having such a great time!! Hope Chase starts to feel better soon!!
Looks like you are having a great time! Love seeing all the pictures.Hope Chase is feeling better.
I'm with Mandy. This makes me want to pull out my sling too. I love when Anna falls asleep on me but it's been forever!
Hope he feels better to enjoy SF more. Although he is a toddler now, I can totally see how you feel about your sleeping "baby" in the sling. So lovely.
Glad you are having a great time! Hope the remainder of your vacation is as enjoyable. Praying that Chase will "shake off" the little bug he has. Love ya!
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