Chase's single 2-2.5 hour nap has transformed into sleeping on the run. Since he isn't a great sleeper, he usually manages to get 30-45 minutes at a clip... but he's doing that at least twice a day.
Thursday started extremely early for us G's. Chase stood up at 3:30 and started calling for me. Ironically enough he didn't even realize we were in the room... he was calling towards the door. I let him go for a moment to see if he would lay back down but no such luck. So I picked him up and brought him to bed with us. We kind of just chilled there... talking and reading books. Somehow or another, I ended up laying with Chase on my arm and he was nodding off. I was elated... I really didn't think he would fall back asleep. The prospect of getting a few extra minutes of sleep sounded like heaven... then, out of no where he just kind of freaked out and threw his body across mine. I put my arms around him to comfort him and that is how he stayed as he fell fast asleep. So now I am in an uncomfortable position with a delicately sleeping baby on me... not quite the recipe for catching a few more z's. I try my hardest to nod off and I am sure I got a few minutes here and there but nothing substantial. Oh well... at least he was sleeping and that was more than I thought I would get.
He woke for good around 5:30 and we just played in our room until 6. Luckily the rest of the house are fairly early birds so we fit right in ;~)

Chase waiting for breakfast in his loaned booster seat. I love this seat... so simple yet so incredibly effective.
Even though we had coffee with breakfast, we decided to stop at Philz for another cup.

I can't even begin to describe the perfection they create with coffee. Seriously, if you like coffee and you are in town, go there. You will not be disappointed.
Then we headed to the California Academy of Sciences. The draw for me was the aquarium but we couldn't pass this guy up...

Checking out the fishies.

Getting to touch starfish... very creepy feeling!

Chase (and some other random boy) peering into the aquarium.

Watching the diver.
At this point Chase is starting to get very irritable and cranky... 2 somewhat uncommon traits... especially when there is so much to look at. I figured he was getting sleepy and since putting him in the sling worked so well on the plane, I decided to try it.

Within 5 minutes of putting him in the sling he was out like a light.
We walked around the Japanese Tea Garden in Golden Gate park for a while...

and Chase slept through....

most of it...

He did wake up and as you can see, was all smiles for us.

Chillin with Daddy.

Chase much prefers to be walking along side the adults... occasionally he will say 'Mamah up' but more often he is saying 'Mamah hand' which translates to: I want to get down, hold your hand and walk on my own.
Next we headed to the Rose Garden where we literally stopped to smell the roses.

Yellow roses... my absolute favorite.
Next we headed to the Yerba Buena Gardens Carousel.

Chase was a little unsure at first...

but he enjoyed it a little more on the second time around.

And at the end he was asking for his own carousel... maybe for Christmas ;~)
Every time I come to San Francisco I underestimate the weather... I think it's CA, it must be beautiful, sunny and 70's. And I am sure somewhere (probably 10 minutes away) it is beautiful, sunny and 70's. Just not where we are. It's beautiful and mostly sunny but hovering somewhere near 50's and 60's. Still lovely weather but not when you only bring capri's, shorts and no jacket.
Instead of buying yet another SF-emblazon fleece jacket for $40 for each of us, we decided to get some clothes that we will actually wear back in MD.
Enter Old Navy.
Now we are geared up with some pants for Chase and I and a jacket for Adam... all things we can wear again!
While we picked some things out, exhaustion got the better of Chase...

This almost never happens!
After nap we went to the roof to play...

Apparently there are other kids in the building because there was a tricycle and this riding toy... Chase made himself at home. It was like being home with Dozer!
We went to Moshi Moshi for dinner... love that place. It's a block from the apartment and the sushi was so good! Oh and the owner... such a sweet guy. You just want to be friends with him.
Chase was starting to really act up so I put him in the sling and...

Voila! Sleeping Baby, Happy Mom.
He barely even flinched when I changed him and laid him down in bed. Vacation is fun but exhausting!
I am so jealous - neither of my kids cared for the sling or naps either, for that matter. But, they do both sleep all night and have since they were just a few mos old. Fair trade off, I guess. :-) Glad you guys are getting to see so many sight and have so much fun!
that is great at least he sleeps on the run. it is hard to travel with a toddler but it seems you guys are managing it so perfect! I am glad. Have lots of fun!
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