You can see why we became friends. You can't ignore that wild spirit... you have to hang on and enjoy the ride.
She has remained one of my best friends throughout the years. We have seen each other through some rough times and come out stronger on the other side.
I won't go into detail but she dated some less than stellar guys... didn't we all ladies?
Then she met this guy...

He was everything she didn't know she was looking for.
I liked him the first time I met him... even better, so did my husband.
He is calm, cool and collected. He has artistic mind with intelligence to match. He smiles at Rose when she talks and talks and talks (love you Rose!)... he likes listening to her. He treats Rose the way men are supposed to treat women... he encourages her, he helps her, he loves her. Best of all, he likes gadgets... well that endeared him to us, I don't know about Rose.
After some time they did this...

It was spectacular! One of the best weddings I have been to!
Now, these 2 gorgeous wonderfully artistic people are going to be embarking on this journey...

Well, the image above is Chase but you get the idea! Nick and Rose are expecting their own little Nickitino!
I couldn't be happier for these 2 and what wonderful parents they are going to make! Congrats guys... the fun has only started!
Aww. Thank you so much! I love you!!
Congrats to the parents to be! It is such an amazing journey. I was a loser magnet for most of my prime dating years. I just happened to luck into meeting the Evil Twin 17 years ago (been married almost 16 of those years!).
"He smiles at Rose when she talks and talks and talks (love you Rose!)..."
Rose, is it wrong that I'm laughing at this? A lot? lolol
Can't wait for Nickitino!!! I'm SOOOOOO excited for Rose to join this amazing club of ours!
Congratulations Rose and Nick! So happy to hear the wonderful news. You are going to LOVE parenthood! God Bless!
Aweee...how cute!! Congrats to the new parents-to-be! And amen to dating dopes and kissing frogs...but finding a happy ending.
that's so cute
She looks like she's pretty wild. She will need that energy to raise a baby!
This is so lovely Jessica. I love it!
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