The top picture is from Jul 08 and the bottom one is the reunion! How much they have both changed in 7 short months. Anna is so interactive and has so much personality shining through... it was really great to experience that first hand.

The boys rocking their party hats!

Chase missed the 'boys' picture so he ended up surrounded by beautiful women... not a bad deal.

I think she liked the cake!

After a nice relaxing bath! What a gorgeous family!

Anna and Chase sharing a moment over the green circle... how sweet. Chase definitely misses his BFF!

Anna ran over to me and jumped into my lap giving me a big ole hug... I could have melted! She is such a sweetie!

And of course, I missed my man Scout.... and by the looks of it, he missed me!
After a long day of traveling and partying...

Chase had enough.
Happy Birthday again sweet Anna!
oh such beautiful babies!!!!!
How adorable--What cute kids!!! And that cake pic...so priceless.
That was so sweet! Thanks for sharing with us. Those kids are just too cute!
So sweet! Glad that they were able to be together again. Has it really been 7 months already??
kara - aren't they! I could eat them up!
kristin - isn't that cake so cute! I thought Danielle did a great job with it!
ETW - You know... I tend to share everything ;~)
Michelle - you're telling me! time is just whizzing by!
These pics were great! I love the pic of the guys......do we have to wear these stupid hats....?
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