The answer is no.
Currently we are sitting on the couch watching a Berenstain Bears DVD. I love Sunday mornings.
Here are just a few random pictures that I wanted to share.

"I have MAIL!!!" - I imagine that is what this mailbox is saying. This is in my in-laws neighborhood and every time we pass it I smile. It's the small things.
I forgot to post Riley's Christmas present!

The minute we put this bed on the floor Riley curled up in it and we didn't hear from him for hours. So much so that when we went to the in-laws house, we brought the bed ;~) I've always gotten Riley Christmas presents but I think this was the most well received one.

Definitely our kid. My M/FIL got Chase these kid proof headphones and since we had an extra nano hanging around... yep, Chase pretty much officially has his own ipod. Geeks tried and true.
Yesterday David came for a visit so after a yummy breakfast of waffles and bacon, then a record 2 hour nap we headed to the train museum.... aka Chase's mecca.
He was in heaven the minute we walked in.

This was a new display. There were 4 trains running on the table and each one was controlled by one of the 4 on/off switches on the table.

Chase would stop the Thomas train and then run over and wave hi then run back and start him up again.

Shocker of all shockers, Chase loved the Thomas train table ;~)

Yet another train garden.

This is the ultimate display. It's the size of an entire room (probably the size of my dining and living room) and it has several tiers, dozens of trains and goes from day to night every so often. It's pretty awesome. Chase LOVED it. He stood right up against the rail just looking and watching all the trains. I had to remind him a few times to keep his hands down but he did remarkably well.

Here's a wider shot but this is still only about half of the display.

Just outside you can climb on a car or 2... Chase thought this was pretty cool!
Ok... now we're onto an Elmo DVD. Time to cuddle with the boy some more and then figure out the rest of the day ;~)
Trains are so cool!
Wow he is really into trains. So cool!
I love the pictures, and being a mom, I completely get it. BUT, I'm worried about the mail? Are there no doors on the mail boxes??
OMG. When did Chase get so dang big... Love it. Adorable Photos!
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