It's what I do. My name is Jessica and I am a picture-holic.
Who could resist taking a multitude of pictures when you end up with ones like this...

Chase has taken to holding my face/neck when I ask for a kiss. Seriously, can I freeze this love and store it forever?
These pictures are from a play date at Jenna's house yesterday. Their backyard is a kid haven... it had a water table, a pool, a big people swing, a kiddie swing and a slide... so many choices!
My son apparently had blinders on... he played almost exclusively on this slide. I think he went down it no less than 5,8904 times.

Now I have to preface the next picture by saying... 4 of these children wanted on the swing all by themselves. Anna was the only one we had to

L-R: Jenna, Lexi, Anna, Sadie and Chase... although I post about them so often, I am sure you know their names.

The all important water break!

A real man helps take care of the kids!

I just had to post this picture... The Most Dramatic pose goes to Miss Jenna!

Fun with blocks.
Chase is my son. That statement still blows me away. I am a mother... forever and always. When he is tired he seeks my chest to cuddle on. When he is hurt he scans the crowd in search of my face. When he accomplishes something he looks to me for approval.
I really didn't understand the idea being ok with him growing up... I thought I would always miss the last stage but it's just the opposite. I look at him and can't wait to see what he does next. Parenthood is unreal.
You hit the nail on the head with that last statement. I have cherished every little milestone with both my children, but at the same time, I look forward to the next great milestone - to see the wonder on their faces. It's totally worth it!
You are a picture-holic, but it's the only was to ensure you get at least ONE good one. I understand. We speak the same language. Keep clicking away.
Ah...crying. Such and adorable post and SO happy for you and YOUR SON! Love love love it. And I always come over here and wish I had such great pics to share. Keep 'em coming!
yes, yes, and yes!!! It's so true what you said!!
I love the hands on the face. When Claire hugs me, she will sometimes hug me hard by putting her arms around my head. I want to somehow record that so I can push "play" and get that whenever I want for the rest of my life :-)
Can't wait for Chase to see all his girlfriends at the 6/13 play date!
So true... and for the pictures? just keep them coming! :-)
Just finished the last two posts, love the pictures! I love gardening, that's so fun, good for y'all! BUT, the one of Chase holding your face, girl, my favorite one ever. Hope you print that off and hang it, it's precious. And with my last one just walking across stage, graduating high school, the answer is no, you can't freeze it, but the memories will warm your heart forever.
Love the pictures!
I haven't quite been able to wrap my head around the fact that I have a fiesty little girl growing in my belly... that she is my daughter... I hope parenthood isn't as bittersweet as I'm thinking! :)
What cute pictures. I love how motherhood is still new and you love watching each new stage of his life!
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