It's a great time for all the kids to show off all they have learned in the past 20 weeks. Parents, grandparents... all are invited to watch.
Chase was lucky enough to have his daddy and Grandma come!

Wheels on the bus go round and round with the parachute. Chase decided to stand up and start dancing part way into the song. I have discovered that he LOVES to dance so we have a constant stream of kids music on these days!

Doing flips with Miss Erin... on the high bar!

One of Chase's favorite activities... he runs, jumps and swings on the bar.

He loves the balance beam and can do it on his own (with immediate supervision of course!)

I don't think I have to tell you how much he likes the bubbles!

We are the champions
We are the champions
No time for losers
'Cause we are the champions - of the world -

Just some of the graduates... a few spirited kids weren't very interested in posing for pictures... including my son. This was mere moments before he made a break for it... no time for pictures, there is fun to be had!
We are the, that was cute. Looks like he had fun!
the picture of Chase doing the flips almost made my toes curled...I would be scared~! This surely does look like a fun class for kids!
Yay for graduation! They were all having such a great time! Gonna miss it over the summer, though.
Let the graduations begin. :) Charlie just graduated high school last week...enjoy it all!
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