I wasn't sure what to expect when it came to Chase's napping... he tends to fall asleep in the car but only for brief periods of time. He held strong for the first half of the trip but after an impromptu pit stop to fix my windshield wiper*, I looked in my rear view mirror to see this:

As suspected, the lull of the car was too much for him!
2 of my most favorite people in the world...

Andrew is SO his parents child... both Christine and Greg cannot keep their eyes open for the camera! This apple did not fall far!
We enjoyed an empty playground for a while... especially lovely when you have 2 very unsteady little ones!

Will you just look at how big he is getting? Unreal...
The playground started to get busy (re: older kids = nervous mom) so we set off looking for more adventure.... and found this pier. There were 2 older gentlemen fishing off the end of the pier... well all they had caught in 3 hours was a 4 inch fish... does that even count?

Oh the hair... I love the hair. Leo... no high and tight for my kid!
After the pier we walked the trails and found a small beach. This was very exciting for me because Chase had never set foot on sand, let alone dipped his toes in water!
The sand was no big deal to him... just another fun way to get dirty! The water though... it intrigued him... he kept reaching his arms out to get to it but always being sure to pull his body back so he wouldn't actually touch it.

My little ponderer.

Could be a new favorite mother/son picture!

Oh and Christine is pregnant with the next addition to the T family! More and more babies... I love it!

This kid is fearless... I mean downright fearless. Climbs on anything he can grip, runs as fast as his unsteady legs can carry him and in this particular instance, nose dove into the water... splashed sand and salt water everywhere and then wrote it off like it was no big thing!
One thing that I love about this age is the intensity of their play. When Chase decides he wants to be doing something, hell or high water can't distract him.
I caught a picture of both of them deep in play.

After we said goodbye to Christine and Andrew, Chase and I headed to Adam's office.
Kare Kare had another surprise waiting for Chase when we got there... bubbles!

Chase showing Kare Kare how he likes bubbles blown on his belly... a little gym phenomenon!
Not only did Kare Kare get Chase regular bubbles... she got the big magic wand of bubbles!

... and set it up right there in the office!

The best thing about this picture... you might notice there is no end to the wand in Kare Kare's hand... well it went flying after a particularly forceful wave ;~)
I see some fun on the deck in our future!
On the way home I prayed I would see this in my rear view mirror:

which obviously I did... but only for 35 minutes. Like I said... the car puts him to sleep but fails to keep him asleep! Oh well, he handled the rest of the ride home pretty well and it was TOTALLY worth it!
I see more road trips in our future!
Oh yeah... then I came home to make dinner... with no recipe. Just a basic idea of what I wanted to make... and the hope I could pull it off.
And I did it! It wasn't tremendous or anything... I am still learning how and when to use spices but it was pretty darn good! Pretty good for no recipe!
Chase really liked it too...

Oh and he is pretty much feeding himself exclusively now... where did my baby go?
I bet you ten to one, one of those older men fishing off the pier was my father in law. That is ALL he does, ALL day, EVERY day. Too bad I missed you- would loved to have seen you guys. Anytime you're in the mood for a ride, come on down--- the pool should be ready soon!!!
More cute pictures! What a fun day out, too!
Where did my baby go, indeed.
It's awesome to watch them grow - but with a big dab of bittersweet. Enjoy each moment because what surprises me as how you may think he looks big now, but in six months, you'll realize he's even BIGGER.
Thank goodness for pictures and videos so we can go back and remember...
So cute! Definitely come back our way soon and stop in to see us with the Chase Man! We'll dig out the bubbles for him :-D
He is definitely growing up, isn't he? Looks like you had a fun day with some extra play and a yummy dinner to finish it off. Success!
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