Saturday, August 30, 2008

Happy 30th to me!

Yesterday was a fantastic day... very chill and low key.

Adam worked from home which is always nice... he is nearby and I don't have to worry about him driving on 70! Chase took an ok morning nap and a fantastic afternoon nap! His napping has improved drastically since moving to Hagerstown... Grandpa says it's the country air!

I got a gift certificate to The Little Gym from Sandy and Joe. I am super excited... we are signed up for classes on Thursday and we went to our free introductory class today. We had so much fun and I am working on a project to share with ya'll... more on that later!

Husband made his famous orange chicken for dinner and for the first time ever, tried his hand at my favorite dessert... molten chocolate cake. It was outstanding. I couldn't believe it was the first time he made them... they were perfect. He made whipped cream from scratch and put some raspberries (my favorite of all berries!) to finish it off... so. freaking. good.

I also got roses for my birthday! And I know my husband pays attention because he is having all our wedding pictures scanned! I have been wanting to get this done for the longest time! We were right on the edge of the digital photography for wedding but opted for film. I actually very much regret it because I really want my pictures digital... and now I get them that way!

Here is my good little napper! Love this face!


KaraB said...

Happy Birthday! Welcome to the 30s! What a wonderful, lovely family :-)

chocolate hug said...

YES! CHASE IS ON A SCHEDULE! Way to work through it Jess! From here on out you will be a mommy for every single one of your birthdays! I'm so happy to hear that things are going well for you guys. Molten chocolate cake huh? Sounds really dangerous.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad you had a great day! Hope you got my message. I'm right behind you for the lovely 30th :)> Love,

Carrie and Scott said...

Happy Late Birthday Jessi! Glad the move went well, I can't believe y'all were on Paulsen for that seems like a minute ago that we moved you in.

Anonymous said...

Omigosh, that molten chocolate cake looks out of the world! (Can you tell I'm a chocoholic?) Kudos, Adam! And Happy Birthday Jessi!

Johnnie Avocado said...

Happy 30th! It's all downhill now:P