I hope everyone had a fantastic relaxing fun day! We sure did. We decided to make the trip to Cambridge MD where Adam's uncle Jimmy had his boat docked. It only took about an hour and 15 and there was virtually no traffic! We had lunch, played in the pool, hung out on the boat, watched an amazing thunderstorm and had a delicious dinner! It was really a great family fun day. Amazingly Chase did really well... he had very minimal naps and was thrown completely off his normal cycle but he adjusted really well. Even lasting until 11 which was when we finished dinner! Seriously, the kid is awesome.

As my MIL pointed out... we never pass up an opportunity for a picture!

He is such a water baby... I can't wait to get him in swim classes!

Such a happy baby!

Enjoying the pool... Aunt Vicky, Uncle Jimmy, Sandy (MIL) and hubby!

I just LOVE this picture... makes me smile every time I see it.

Chase with his Grandma

Chase at the helm... although facing the wrong direction!
You know the proverbial baby's first lemon or baby's first pickle video that parents always take... yeah well we tried to take that video this weekend... enjoy.
Yep, my kid is such a good eater that he didn't even notice the sour taste.... just knows it's food and wants more.
First off......great pictures.....that kid smiles 24/7!
Second, holy crap......he likes lemons...and PICKLES! He can probably down Habenero Peppers like a champ! That was amazing....
Jess, he looks like you! He is too cute!
See ya soon!
Love, nan :)
LOVE THE PICTURES! Especially the one with Adam in the hat...so cute!
The video, that is incredible!!
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