We did it!
I think I can officially say that Chase is now potty trained. He's pretty much batting 1000 these days and he's even learned how to use other people's potties ;~)
I am not sure how much time there is between "Mommy, I have to go potty" and when it actually happens but he's definitely telling me and that's all I care about right now. Really, we couldn't have picked a better time to start training... with all the snow, we've had nothing but time to train.
So congrats to my little boy, err man, for making yet another big leap into childhood! I am so proud of you!
Way to go Chase! We are so proud of you over here!
Good Job making use of all your snow! Congrats Chase and Mom for the good work!
that is a very nice chart. And YAY for Chase!
Doesn't it feel good it have that done?! Good job, Chase!!
Congrats to him and mommy! It's such a great feeling when they finally "get" that and YOU don't have to buy diapers any more! :-)
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