Dozer + Daddy's Hat + pj's + baby legs = high fashion awesomeness!

I am pretty certain that every family with toddlers has broken out the play doh... several thousand times.
Our house is no different...

It was definitely time to take inventory of our stock...

The next logical step when you have this much play doh on the coffee table... Layla, you may want to look away...

Yes, we have created the rarely seen Super Play Doh. It's color mixture will wow you and terrify you... and if you are me, it will make your head hurt.
Again, the logical next step would be making the play doh into varying size balls...

and lining them up from biggest to smallest...

and then smashing them into the shape of a wizards hat...

and taking a picture of it on your toddlers head.
Yeah, we G's know how to have a good snowstorm!
Wow, Jessi! I totally didn't think you were the playdoh mixing type. Way to live on the edge!
AHH!! This almost hurt, LOL!!! How long did it keep you busy? If this occupies a toddler for more than 10 minutes perhaps I should live more on the edge!!
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