they just bought a great house northeast of Baltimore and are settling into home ownership (look at us becoming adults!)
It's amazing to look at Rose and I and see the growth we have both experienced over the past 8 years... houses, kids... crazy!

Anyway, for dessert we decided to grill S'mores (which I will preface by saying, has been done before... successfully).
This is Adam with his S'more ready to go on the grill...

And Nick placing them on the grill...

At this point Nick is trying to control the back right S'more which happens to be sliding off its base into the grill...

And then the carnage happened... apparently the flame was a little too hot and it burnt the cracker too quickly...

Amazingly they were still edible.... albeit with a fork and VERY messy fingers! Easily the most entertaining S'more eating I have ever experienced...
Adam did figure out the perfect balance of grilling the cracker with chocolate while simultaneously skewering the marshmallows... let the marshmallows burst into flame, blow them out, take the cracker/chocolate off the grill and combine. Adam said this was the most successful S'more he had ever had.

This was a great post for me, pics of men with bald heads. :) You know how I have a thing for bald heads...yup, a serious thing.
Anyway, once again, I'm so glad you have such great friends. I'm going to buy us a small grill like that today, that looked great! My ex got our grill and we've not cared much, until seeing these pics!
Oh, and by the way, you're adorable! Pregnancy soooo agree's with you!
kathi - i had no idea! apprently rose and i have a thing for bald heads as well ;~) and you should so get a grill... we love ours (thanks to danielle and rob!)
ps - thanks! i think pregnancy agrees with me too... i am LOVING it!
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