Adam getting down and dirty with construction!

Adam and I outside the door of the house we were working on.

Sam and Mary on lunch break

Seth and Victoria

Victoria and Mary with the window that they just removed from the space behind them!

Brian and Nicole

The girls on lunch break!
After Habitat Adam and I worked on powerwashing our deck and fence. I have to say, powerwashing should NOT be that much fun! Adam and I were having a grand time watching all that built up grime be blown out of the wood! We are such little kids too... we have to take turns with the machine because we both like it so much! Here are a few pics... (yeah, we take pictures of everything!)

Adam really attacking the dirt... scary face and all!

Blasting the fence door!

Seriously... it was amazing to see what came off of the wood and how clean and nice it could look!

And while we were working hard on cleaning, this was what Riley was doing... could this dog be any happier?
All in all, it was a great productive weekend. Dad is feeling better day by day so hopefully this will just pass and all the fright will be for nothing! Thanks to everyone for your concern and prayer!
Oh... Kathi - This is the CPAP machine that Adam has... he was diagnosed with sleep apnea a few weeks ago... we learned that he would wake up approximately 113 times a night and had 0 REM sleep... so basically for the last few years he has not been getting any solid sleep. The machine blows pressurized air into the mask and through the airway to keep it open (constant positive air pressure) which allows the wearer to actually enter REM sleep. Adam has talked to several people lately that say this machine changed their life... that you only think you are sleeping before but after getting the machine, then you are really sleeping. We are excited to see the benefits of the machine... already he is more peppy and lively in the morning (which is SO not the norm!) Stay tuned for tales of more benefits!
I forgot I got interrupted reading (looking at pics) yesterday, and didn't finish. Love the pics, and can't believe how much y'all got done this weekend. Glad you took it easy, though. Adams hand on your belly is too sweet. Love the pic of Riley, yup, happy dog!
I've never seen one of those masks before. It doesn't look comfortable. Does he have to take something to get to sleep with it on? I'm so glad, though, that it's helping! Thanks for sharing~~
kathi - it's not as awkward as it seems... he actually sleeps quite well with it on... and wakes up MUCH more rested and ready to start the day which helps the cause.
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