Friday, June 02, 2006

Ok, Ok... I get it... ;~)

I wanted to respond to everyone's comments but putting all of this in a comment seemed a tad excessive so....

Kathi - I couldn't delete you if I wanted to ;~) Thanks for the kind words... and the reminder of the difference between sad and disappointed. That was an excellent point ~

Dad - Thanks for everything... not just this comment but everything, I don't know what I would do without you. God definitely had a plan there ~

Tom - Anytime you want! I am always ready to talk about that boat ;~) You actually gave me a good idea for a project (and eventual blog)... and my dad is pretty awesome ;~)

Johnnie - Thanks for the insight. I try to remember that, I swear I do!

Leesa - I have had that thought too, like maybe there is a bigger reason why I am here... haven't figured out what it is but I have had the thought. I stay because of the $$ and the benefits... I know $$ isn't everything but it is a factor right now. While my husband can command WAY more money then I will ever make and does bring home good money, right now I am the one with the steady income and I am the one who provides the benefits... I do like your idea of finding someone that does what I want to do ;~)

Thanks to everyone for the comments. I do appreciate them. I know in my heart of hearts that my mom was (and would be if she was here) proud of me. I just get a little stuck in my head sometimes and can't seem to shake the funk.

I do wish that I had taken more cues from her... listened a little more... given her ideas more credence... done more with her... asked her more questions...

It's just one of those things that death takes from you. I am realizing that I knew very little about the woman that raised me. Now, at the age I am, is when I was supposed to be asking questions about her life. (I only recently figured out that my mom had a life before me, who knew ;~)

I do have journals, pictures, documents and memorabilia to go through, when the time is right ;~)

Thanks again to everyone ~


-Tommy said...

Anywhere you wanna start? I can tell you regardless of the countless differences between us, there's that one thing we seem to share; the unfair loss of a parent and the subsequent loss of balance we feel in our lives and careers.

So, if you could do anything with your life, what would it be?

LoveLladro said...

I didn't know where to answer you so I am doing it here... If I could be anything... I would be a stay at home mom. I know that I am setting women's libbers back like 50 years but nothing would make me happier ;~)

-Tommy said...

We can discuss here or if you like, is good too.

Stay at home mom. Interesting. That may seem like a step back but is it really? You're not saying you want to sit around and sponge off your husband. You're saying you want to build a family. Not a bad goal.

Did you ever feel like you're putitng all this energy into something that doesn't work as well as it should only to realize you really don't want to do this thinvg in the first place?

LoveLladro said...

Don't think I forgot about you Tom... I have been thinking about that question all week.

Expect an emamil...