It just doesn't get much better.

A sampling of the yummy food.

Ok, so I just included this one because I was proud of the artistic-ness of it ;~)
A while ago I came up with the idea to make a baby blanket for Rose and Nick.

It started with the fleece blanket (folded next to Rose)... it's big enough to drape over the car seat for the winter and then when she is old enough, it can be used as a toddler blanket.
Then I had a vision of a cute 2 sided baby blanket made more from a cotton-y material. I have no experience making anything other than my
And as long as it doesn't fall apart after the first wash, I will consider my endeavor a success ;~)

Nick opening his manly 'diaper dude diaper bag' (cue grunting). Actually I don't know what it says about me but now I want one. Thanks for that Rose and Nick.

The ridiculously adorable cake that Kara picked out and the decorations that In-Sung put together. We have some seriously talented people in our midst.

And here I am double fisting it.
Of course it is sparkling juice... it wasn't that kind of baby shower (cue banjo playing).
It's hard to believe that in less than 4 weeks we will get to cradle this little girl in our arms.

Until then, she has to settle for being a drink rest ;~)
I so want a blanket for baby Gabriel! :)
I had so much fun on Sat. It was great seeing you and I love your blankets. And what a great photos you took!
How fun, and what a CUTE cake!
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