Saturday May 6th is moving day for Adam and I!
We are leaving Ellicott City behind for a grander life in Crofton!
We signed a lease on a great apartment (more like a condo) right off Rt. 3. It is 15 minutes from our church, mere seconds from friends, closer to Annapolis which is our eventual goal and it is 50 times better than the apartment we are in now.
Wish us luck and if you want to come out and help move, by all means, show up!!! We are getting started aroun 9:00-10:00 am on Saturday May 6th! We will provide lunch (probably pizza) and drinks!!!
Shout out to Paco for the official title of our move... forever henceforth May 6th shall be referred to as The Great Migration to Crofton...
And from this weekend...
Thursday night... One very happy couple!

Friday night poker ;~) Carrie stacking all her chips!

Much love to Paco for the sweet title... The Great Migration... I love it.
Also...Carrie and Scott totally sharked us! I want my $ back! j/k That's alright, I'll just put a little something special in the Greivell'ed gavelled hand plucked chicken breast...
Great news!!
Okay, if we leave here sometime between 3 ~ 4 p.m. on Thursday, we should be able to be there in time to help move. Hey, anything for pizza and drinks. :)
Hubby - I am in total agreement!!! Carrie and Scott rock the house at Texas Hold'em!
Kathi - Awesome, can't wait to see you! Bring me some blue bonnets would ya? I have been dying to see them again ;~)
Ha Ha! We were so good. All in baby! (not really...beginners luck) But that's not going to lure us in...although we were stuck on the Poker Championships on ESPN for a couple hands the other day....uh oh!
Next time it's bowling or roller pick!
Carrie - Uh oh, watching poker on TV... you guys learning tricks of the trade???
I am down for something 'activity' oriented next time! I so want to go put-putting!
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