Monday, November 03, 2008

What am I doing wrong?

I got a recipe for Beef Stew from my friend Diana and decided tonight's the night... I am cooking again!

Getting prepped...

Since the house is small and Chase proofed, I can cook in the kitchen while letting Chase roam around the apartment... in theory...

It starts off cute and happy and switches to frantic pretty quickly...

In an attempt to pacify him I give him one of these...

To which he munches on and loves for the 2 minutes it takes him to polish it off.

Before you know it he is back to this...

So I relent and hold him... which makes it virtually impossible to cook but you can see how happy it makes him!

So when it's time for mommy to 'cook' again, Chase goes on the other side of the fence... and this is what mommy gets.

The entire time I felt like I was ignoring him and that made me feel horrible. So please, someone tell me... how am I supposed to cook dinner and adequately take care of my child? My next resort is buying a baby backpack and wearing him while I cook!


Rose said...

Okay, I'm no mommy, but I have one word, and you're not going to like it... Manipulation. He knows he wants to be with you and held by you, and if he fusses, you'll pick him up. He has lots of toys to play with and things to do, right? My suggestion is to be careful. If he does get held everytime he fusses, he'll learn that he can cry and get what he wants.

asuthrngrl said...

Ok, I gotta agree with Rose on this one, Jessi. He's good, and he knows it, and he knows you are a sucker! Wanna know what I do with Savannah? I see you have a high chair right there. I put Savannah in her chair, then I give her either some type of snack, or stuff she is not used to having, like kid spoons and bowls, or the little motrin dropper, or a wooden spoon. If I give her something she is not allowed to have all the time, it usually buys me some time! Try it!

Carrie and Scott said...

Sounds and looks just like Tyler...same exact whine! It's tough...I've learned to let it in one ear and out the other. Except that is usually when Daddy comes home and makes me look bad...what ya gonna do? As long as he's not hurt I let him whine while I talk to him and cook. Good's tough!

Anonymous said...

I remember those days VERY well. Hard times. It seems the little ones are always soooo needy when you really need to get something done, like fixing dinner! Your friends gave you some good suggestions here, though, like special stuff in the high chair. I did that sometimes, but also let them whine when push came to shove!

chocolate hug said...

Oh dear! Nick and I watched this together and just laughed! Sam is the same way! Fortunately Nick is usually home when I'm making dinner so it's Nick and Sam's time to hang out. When Nick isn't home I plop Sam on his chair with a snack and his favorite show. He wasn't able to sit in one place for more than 15 min until he passed his first birthday, but now that he can it's a great help for me. Another thing for Sam is that he gets frustrated because he wants to know what I'm doing, so sometimes I let him "help". That helps out a great deal.

Thanks for sharing the video!

Oh and with the stew, try cutting the amount of potatoes in half, I think I forgot to tell you that I don't use as many, they are part of the reason you had less liquid.

Have to go play cribbage with my hubby!


KaraB said...

I wait until she goes to sleep at night and then I cook. Of course, this means that you're not going to have a just-cooked meal---it will be heated up the next day! And with Claire, I just let her roam around the kitchen while I cook. This usually means she hangs all over me and it takes me twice the time to do things, but she won't stay in the living know, the place with the bazillion toys!

I do have a bottom drawer in the kitchen where I keep safe kitchen utensils like spatulas and plastic measuring cups, and she will sometimes play w/those.

Hey, I'm so feeling your pain!

Michelle said...

I was also gonna recommend the high chair option. That is exactly what I did when my babies were that age.

And Rose is exactly right about the whole manipulation thing. They learn it young and they learn it quickly! ;)

kathi said...

I remember those days, too. But, as long as he see's it get's the reaction he's going for, he'll keep doing it. Why? Cause he's a smart one, our Chase, and he knows what works. I suggest if it's wearing you down that you buy some ear plugs