Here is Riley chillin' in daddy's seat while daddy gets bagels!
Wifey getting down and dirty (well down and a little dirty ;~)
Definitely the man of the house!
Saturday night we had an impromptu "Wite Trash Nite" at Rob and Danielle's house... it all started with fried chicken... add watermelon, beer, tator tots and twinkie's and you get theme night. The charge was to dress the part...

Rob and Danielle in their wife beaters with Twinkie's and beer!
Adam and I dress the part... I took my cues from Brittany Spears during her illustrious pregnancies...
Sam and Mary however, clearly take the cake on dressing the part...

Sam went so far as shaving the sides of his hair and giving himself a sharpie "La Dena"* tattoo... Mary went all out with the bathrobe, fuzzy slippers and fake cigarette hanging out of her mouth... hands down they win the prize (just bragging rights!). They definitely set the bar for the next theme night!
*La Dena is a often used phrase for Pasadena where Sam and Mary live and where I grew up... you usually say you are from 'the Dena' or from 'la Dena'... very hip and cool ;~)
I love your life. Y'all have so much fun and enjoy yourselves. This looks and sounds like one great time!
From one Denite to another...long live the Dena!!
kathi - thanks so much! i am pretty in love with my life too!!! stay tuned for more theme nights!
vicki - viva la dena! i miss you and we need to do coffee (well hot chocolate for me) soon!
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