Chase's first birthday party was a blast! It was so great to see friends and family come out to celebrate him!

Boys will be boys... checking out the football game!

Terese, Sandy (doting Grandma), Joe (doting Grandpa) and Debbie

C and Scooter (my Godson), Chase and I, Rose (bride to be... 27 days to go!), Laura and Adam and Insung and Minhae!

Adam, Ali, Craig and Nick (groom to be... 27 days to go!)

Chase's first birthday cake(s)!!! I made 26 cars in all! Honest to goodness, it was really no extra effort at all... I did most of it in the morning while we were making the other food. They were so much fun to decorate!

and some chocolate cake because that's my favorite! I actually meant to give Chase chocolate but with all the hubbub I forgot!

Giant baby is here to devour this tiny train!

Funny how he knows just what to do... cram it in his mouth!

Mommy never lets me have this much sugar!

Totally loving this!

I am not sure how much he actually ate but when he started throwing fistfuls on the floor... yeah, game over.

Oddly enough the shirt survived but the pants did not!

Adam was enjoying the cake as well! Laura and Adam are from Little Gym and I have to say Adam is one of the cutest kids ever! I just love hearing him run through the gym with that question mark at the end of every word or sentence, hanging off bars (on his own!) and he does this sideways look... cracks me up every time! He really is a fun little boy!

Adam and Minhae sharing a nice moment.

Grandma and Grandpa's bucket o' fun!

Checking out a new book

Scooter made it up to celebrate Chase's big day!

Kids and toys everywhere!

For the budding architect!

Chase's newest towel... the go-to towel from now on!!!

The paper is almost as much fun as the toys!!!
All in all it was a really great day. I was very touched by all the love Chase is surround by... people drove great lengths to be here... one from NJ!!! (although they were on their way home... but still!!!) It is a wonderful feeling to know your kid is loved. Thanks to everyone who made it out and to the ones that missed... we missed you too!!!
Those cakes! 26 of them!!! Jess, that's awesome and it looks like the Lil' man had such an awesome time! i'm so sad i missed it, but i'm glad it was such a hit! :)
Thanks for having us! It was great to see you all again. Chase is just adorable! We had so much fun at the party.
sounds like everyone had a good time i love the train cake idea i can't believe he is a year old or that Audrey is almost there
Happy Birthday, Chase!
Can you believe how much he has changed in just 12 short months?? Ben is going to be 1 in only 2 more months! Crazy!
Happy 1st Chase! We can't wait to meet you one day!
I am so disappointed we couldn't make did such a beautiful job (with the party and the boy!) the picture of Rose in the middle of all the
Glad Chase had a great first birthday. Jess, did you guys get the card we sent??
I didn't have time to comment last time I was here. :(
I CAN NOT believe it's been a year since you had Chase, unbelievable to me. The older I get the faster time flies.
I'm so glad that you post about him because I simply adore him and am so thrilled that I get to see him grow up.
Y'all are truley blessed.
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