He couldn't be cuter if he tried! Mom and Dad look great and surprisingly well rested! Congrats again Jaime and Craig... you guys are going to be amazing parents!

Chase has clearly learned how to 'pet' and be gentle... lessons Riley helped him learn ;~)
While we were in Pasadena, we stopped into daddy's office to visit the ladies (and daddy too).

Kare Kare hooked Chase up with early birthday presents... to which mommy and daddy are very thankful, as well as Chase! He loves his new hat... and the CD!

Thanks Aunt Kare Kare!
Some other random pictures...

It's never too early to encourage cleaning behavior!

Sup homey?!?

Chase trying to call Claire... it's starts so young!
Holy mother of Mary that is not little chase? Are you serious? He has definitely grown so much! Your little boy is growing up so quickly... He's so stinking Cute!
Yes, Claire prefers her men slightly older...you know, like nine days :-)
Can you believe how fast they've grown? This mommy wants it to slow down a little :-(
they do grow so fast...it's hard to slow done and try to watch it all happen. blogs are awesome to go back and remember when? Chase is so cute...love the hair!
Is he really almost 1???!!! My how time flies.
holy cow-when did baby chase get so big??? I can't even get over it. LOVE the hat and that is the cutest outfit ever. one already? seriously??
He looks like a big boy now! Look sooooooooo cute!!
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