Sunday, September 19, 2010


So I wanted to start blogging about our vacation. I am excited to relive the week and to record it for our history... but alas, blogger sucks. Apparently I have hit my quota on pictures that I can upload... you know, without paying them $$. Totally bogus...

Luckily Adam bought me a domain a few months ago... I just haven't had the chance to sit down and learn something new. Seems like there is no time like the present. So, in the next few days I will be changing my URL... and really hoping that my small contingent follows me!

Stay tuned for my new URL... coming soon!


namoo said...

Didn't know Blogger has a space limit. Bummer....
Will follow you!

Katrina said...

I'll follow wherever you take me. Good luck with the domain!

The Townleys said...

I find it odd that I've been blogging 2 YEARS longer than you and I haven't hit a limit yet. LOL