Friday, May 12, 2006

Getting to know me

I got this from Kathi's, be sure to check hers out too.

I AM: trying to figure out what I want to be when I grow up
I WANT: to be able to stay home with my babies (you know, when I have them)
I WISH: that there was a cure for cancer
I HATE: that my mom was taken before she got to meet her grandchildren
I MISS: my mom every single day (right there with you Kathi)
I FEAR: instability
I HEAR: sounds of the office
I WONDER: how old I will be when I die
I REGRET: there are lots of things I would like to change if I could but I heard it said once that regret for the past is a waste of spirit and I believe that.
I AM NOT: an optimist ~ I am trying, but I am not one by nature
I DANCE: occasionally... with the right amount of liquid courage
I SING: even though I stink ;~)
I CRY: when I think about a certain conversation with my mom
I AM NOT ALWAYS: happy when I should be
I MAKE WITH MY HANDS: I wish I could write language here but maybe someday :)
I WRITE: whatever I think is important or relevant at the time
I CONFUSE: my husband on a daily basis (sorry sweetie, I love you ;~)
I NEED: forgiveness daily (amen Kathi!)
I SHOULD: trust God more
I START: a lot of books and a lot of projects
I FINISH: amost nothing... I am one of those people
I TAG: everyone who reads this! Well, you don't have to but would love to read it if you do!


kathi said...

Yup, a lot in common.
I confuse my hubby daily too, lol. Thank God for my hubby's sense of humor.
If you'll dance ALOT when you're alone, you'll not think about it so much when you do it in front of others.
Missing your Mom is hard, but I still talk to mine everyday, and I promise I still hear her answer me. Yeah, lock me up.
Great stuff here, thanks for doing it!

TortfeasorG said...

Um... I don't get it, I'm confused...

oh well!

hey, happy anniversary baby cakes!

love you!



Anonymous said...

Very awesome list... If I get some time i will fill it out for you...
