One big thing... we made the bold step and traded in the hunk of junk 98 Jeep for a.... wait for it... yep, an 03 Jeep. Sue us, we like the brand ;~) It really is the best bang for our buck and we got a great deal on a sweet one. As you all know, the 98 was basically on its way to the scrap heap anyway. I gotta tell ya, I feel a LOT more secure now ;~)
Also... Adam's business is going well. He is busier than ever and it seems like he gets more and more stuff everyday... soon sleeping will have to be an luxury for him. Seriously though... it is fun to watch someone love what they do. Even on his worst day, he is still doing the job that he set out to do. Pretty amazing... I love my husband ;~)
As for me... I am enjoying 2007... We had Jaime and Craig over for dinner recently... we played a rousing game of MadGab which if you have not played... crawl out from under the rock and get the game. Ask Danielle, she cried when Josh and Heather gave it to her for her birthday ;~)
We also had Rose and Nick over for dinner, very recently, like this past weekend. Impressive considering Rose had surgery the week prior. My fave part... meeting Nick... very cool, kick a$$ guy... I like him A LOT! Go on with your bad self Rose ;~)
I am making plans to meet up with Vicki... going to dinner at my dad's tomorrow... super bowl Sunday is approaching (I go for the friendship, not the football)... man life is busy!
More to come!