It's hard for me to believe I am in my last month of pregnancy... looking back it really feels like the time flew by. I think a lot about my first pregnancy ending and it's actually quite sad. To think that this brief time in my life... something I waited so long for... is almost over, well it's pretty surreal. Please don't get me wrong, I know the end result is this little person that I get to love and cherish... I am super stoked about that part of my life starting. It's just the ending to one chapter and the start to another. Very few things in your life are so very defined by an actual start and end date. Ok ok, enough with the mushy mind feelings...
Apparently we have also moved onto the invasive part of pregnancy! Until now I have remained remarkably... un-invaded. However, today I found out I was 2 centimeters dilated and Peabert is head down... and I also think my doc owes me a drink, at the very least. Oh well, this is only a sign of things to come ;~)
Here I am at 36 weeks!
Diane, I am so right behind you!!!!
I can relate. As much as I couldn't wait to have the kids, I was also a tad sad that "it" was over. I loved every minute of pregnancy. I should've been a surrogate.
You are too adorable, cute...cute...cute!
Oh my gosh, I laughed so hard at your invasive comment! I had no idea what the Dr. was about to do until she snapped on the gloves. I mimicked it for a few of my friends and they were pretty grossed out! I have to say that after having a baby nothing about my body felt private anymore!
You're so blessed that you're moving along. I didn't gain any centimeters till I'd been in labor for ten hours or so. Don't worry about the rest of the poking and prodding that has to happen. There's a happy ending to it all!
Oh yes, and thanks for the Birthday wish!
You're certainly in my prayers, hang in there just a few more weeks!
yeah for head first babies!!!
kathi - don't think that thought hasn't crossed my mind... it would have to be the right circumstance but i wouldn't toss the idea if it came along ;~)
ch - i hear you on the private-ness! so begins a very revealing time in my life ;~) oh well... if it means i get to meet little man, i am totally up for it!
di - race ya!
Um, if you ever find yourself really missing your first pregnancy, you are welcome to take over the second half of my first pregnancy. That's right. I'm a real friend. I share.
I felt the exact same way as you do. As much as I wanted to hold my baby with my arms, I was said to say good-bye to being pregnant and all of the fun anticipation that came with it.
You look great and as though you couldn't be happier. Hope your bag is packed!!!
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